
Most of our courses require hands-on computer exercises. To do set up, simply ftp the appropriate file to your PC, to a directory on your hard drive, say \setup.

Each file is a self-extracting file, so you should run it as a program. For example, for course M512, the file to download is: M512.EXE. Then, from a DOS prompt get into the directory (e.g.: \setup) and run the program this way:

m512   -spassword

You need to contact us to get the appropriate password


When the program is run, it produces a single file in your directory:


a self-extracting ZIP file ('xxxx' is our course code or an acronymn for the course)

How to use this is explained in the course set-up instructions we send you along with the password.

(Note: the last file is an exception; it is just a binary transfer then good to go.)


Course Title Course Code File to download Date last updated
TSO/ISPF in z/OS A633 A635.EXE 2005/09/21
ISPF Update A634 A635.EXE 2005/07/08
Advanced ISPF in z/OS A635 A635.EXE 2005/07/08
TSO CLIST Programming in z/OS A650 A650.EXE 2012/07/08
ISPF and JCL on z/OS A710 A710.EXE 2019/10/10
TSO REXX Programming in z/OS A750 A750.EXE 2012/08/14
Introduction to TSO and REXX APIs A780 A780.EXE 2012/08/14
Developing Dialog Manager Applications in z/OS A810 A810.EXE 2005/02/05
z/OS JCL and Utilities B610 B610.EXE 2012/08/14
Advanced Topics in z/OS JCL B620 B620.EXE 2012/08/14
Using DFSORT and ICETOOL B625 B625.EXE 2012/08/14
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 1: Beginnings C410 C410.EXE 2009/04/08
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 2: Interfaces C414 C414.EXE 2012/08/14
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 3: Update C416 C416.EXE 2007/05/11
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 4: z/Architecture and z/OS C500 C500.EXE 2012/09/20
VSAM For COBOL Programmers D540 D540.EXE 2009/10/02
Enterprise COBOL Update D704 D704.EXE 2009/10/02
Enterprise COBOL Unicode and XML Support D705 D705.EXE 2012/04/06
Structured COBOL Workshop for Enterprise COBOL D715 D715.EXE 2012/10/23
Advanced Topics in COBOL (Enterprise, z/OS) D725 D725.EXE 2012/08/14
Enterprise COBOL Debugging and Maintenance D732 D732.EXE 2009/10/02
z/OS Debug Tool for Enterprise COBOL D735 D735.EXE 2012/11/02
VSAM for PL/I Programmers E540 E540.EXE 2012/06/25
Structured PL/I Coding Workshop E710 E710.EXE 2012/11/02
Advanced Topics in PL/I E720 E720.EXE 2012/11/02
Enterprise PL/I Debugging and Maintenance E732 E732.EXE 2012/11/02
z/OS Debug Tool for Enterprise PL/I E735 E735.EXE 2012/11/02
VSAM with Access Method Services G510 G510.EXE 2006/11/28
DB2 Concepts and Facilities G502 G502.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Version 8 Differences G524 G524.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Version 9 Differences G526 G526.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Version 10 Differences G528 G528.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2: Greatest Hits G527 G527.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Version 7 to Version 9 Transition G525 G525.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Native SQL Stored Procedures G531 G531.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 and XML G532 G532.EXE 2012/11/02
SQL Query Building in DB2 G532 G532.EXE 2012/11/02
SQL Coding Workshop G550 G550.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Operations G551 G551.EXE 2012/11/02
Advanced SQL Query Building G555 G555.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Application Programming G560 G560.EXE 2012/11/02
Advanced DB2 Programming G562 G562.EXE 2013/07/14
DB2 Dynamic SQL G563 G563.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Stored Procedures G564 G564.EXE 2012/11/29
QMF for Progammers G565 G565.EXE 2012/11/02
QMF for SQL Developers G566 G566.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Data Base Administration G570 G570.EXE 2016/05/26
DB2 / CICS Interface G574 G574.EXE 2012/11/02
DB2 Tuning and Performance G580 G580.EXE 2012/11/02
Using LE Services in z/OS M512 M512.EXE 2012/08/14
Secrets of Inter-Language Communication in z/OS M520 M520.EXE 2012/08/14
Creating and Using DLLs in z/OS M525 M525.EXE 2012/08/14
z/OS Debug Tool for Multi-Language Applications M735 M735.EXE 2012/11/02
Structured C Coding Workshop N610 N610.EXE 2012/11/02
C++ for non-C Programmers N660 N660.EXE 2006/03/12
Interactive C/C++ Debugging With Debug Tool N735 N735.EXE 2012/11/02
C++ on z/OS N710 N710.EXE 2012/11/02
Introduction to z/OS UNIX U510 U510.EXE 2012/08/14
Shell Script Programming in z/OS UNIX U515 U515.EXE 2012/08/14
You and z/OS and the World Wide Web U518 U518.EXE 2012/06/14
Developing Applications for z/OS UNIX U520 U520.EXE 2012/08/14
Writing z/OS CGIs in COBOL UC04 UC04.EXE 2012/06/24
Writing z/OS CGIs in Assembler language UC06 UC06.EXE 2012/06/24
Collection of REXX courses   REXX.EXE 2007/01/25
Files for SHARE presentation, August, 2003 8234 zcond.bin 2003/07/08


Email us if you would like additional information.

Or call us at: 303-744-9989

Our standard mail address is:

                Hunter's Training Associates, LLC
                466 S. Gilpin St.
                Denver, Colorado 80209

Home page