
Course Description

z/OS Debug Tool for Enterprise COBOL

Course Code: D-735
Recommended Duration: 2 Days


The student will acquire facility with the COBOL compiler in support of using the Debug Tool, and will also acquire facility with the Debug Tool.


Experienced COBOL programmers who are testing COBOL programs using the Debug Tool.


The student entering this course should have experience coding COBOL programs, as well as experience in using ISPF/PDF, and a working knowledge of how to code JCL statements to run simple batch jobs.

Related IBM Materials

This course is drawn from these and other IBM manuals; access to these publications in the classroom is desirable but not required:

SC18-9302 - Debug Tool for z/OS, User's Guide
SC18-9304 - Debug Tool for z/OS, Reference

Major Topics Include



There are six hands-on exercises.









Course Objectives
Topical Outline
COBOL curriculum
Debugging curriculum
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