
Course Description

Enterprise PL/I Debugging and Maintenance

Course Code: E-732
Recommended Duration: 2 Days


The student will learn to approach debugging systematically, using the appropriate features of the PL/I language to facilitate debugging. In addition, he or she will learn to interpret the various forms of debugging output from PL/I, including CEEDUMPs.


PL/I programmers who need to debug PL/I programs, understand the PL/I run-time environment, or tune PL/I programs for performance.


The student should have experience coding PL/I programs, be comfortable with the text editor you use, and be able to code JCL to run simple batch jobs.

Related IBM Materials

PL/I Language Reference for the compiler used
PL/I Programming Guide for the compiler used


Major Topics Include



There are six machine exercises.



Course Objectives
Topical Outline
PL/I curriculum
Debugging curriculum
Complete topics list
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