
Course Description

Enterprise COBOL Unicode and XML Support

Course Code: D-705
Recommended Duration: 2 Days


Students who complete this course will be able to use the Unicode and XML processing capabilities of the IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390 compiler. This enables students to build routines to convert Web-originated XML transactions to classic COBOL data structure based transactions and back.


Experienced z/OS or OS/390 COBOL application programmers. Students should already be familiar with the LE COBOL compiler family and its capabilities. The course "Enterprise COBOL Update" or equivalent knowledge is assumed.


At the very least, the student entering this course should have a strong programming background in COBOL. The installation must be using the Enterprise COBOL compiler and have Unicode support services activated.

Related IBM Materials

This course is drawn from these and other IBM manuals; access to these publications in the classroom is desirable but not required:

SC27-1408 - COBOL Language Reference
SC27-1412 - COBOL Programming Guide

Major Topics Include



There are ten hands-on exercises.






Course Objectives
Topical Outline
COBOL curriculum
LE curriculum
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