
Courses we teach: DB2

DB2 Concepts and Facilities - 2 days
DB2 Application Programming - 5 days
Advanced DB2 Application Programming - 10 days
DB2 Tuning and Performance - 5 days
DB2 Operations - 3 days
SQL Query Building in DB2 - 2 days
QMF For Programmers - 3 days
SQL Coding Workshop - 3 days
QMF for SQL Developers - 2 days
DB2 Database Administration - 5 days
DB2 / CICS Interface - 2 days
DB2 and XML - 3 days
DB2 Version 8 Differences - 3 days
DB2 Version 9 Differences - 3 days
DB2 Version 10 Differences - 4 days
DB2: Greatest Hits - 3 days
DB2 Version 7 to Version 9 Transition - 5 days
Advanced SQL Query Building - 2 days
DB2 Dynamic SQL - 1 day
DB2 Stored Procedures - 2 days
DB2 Native SQL Stored Procedures - 1 day


DB2 is IBM's premier relational database product.

A relational database is a collection of data stored in tabular form (rows and columns) that follow the rules of organization first delineated by E.F. Codd. A column designates a unit of data, such as name, customer number, or unit cost of an item. Each row designates an entity being kept track of, for example an employee, a customer, an item in inventory.

Two or more tables may be related (hence the term relational database) by a common column. For example, a table of employees may relate to a table of company departments by a department number column (in the employee table, the department number column designates which department the employee works for; in the department table, the department number column identifies each department; thus, given an employee name or number, you can find out about the department the employee works in; or, given a department number, you can construct a list of all the employees who work in that department).

The path to DB2 data is a specialized language called SQL (Structured Query Language; SQL is pronounced as the letters S-Q-L or as see-kwel). Programmers, developers, or users can issue SQL statements using DB2I / SPUFI (DB2 Interactive / SQL Processor Using File Input) or QMF (Query Management Facility) or by embedding SQL statements in programs written in COBOL, PL/I, C, Assembler, and so on.

Programs containing embedded SQL statements may run in batch or under TSO, CICS, or IMS.

The course DB2 Application Programming is our main DB2 course for programming professionals. It covers DB2 and SQL concepts, the SPUFI process, and how to embedd SQL statements in programs. 

DB2 Concepts and Facilitiesis an introductory courses for people who just need an overview.

Advanced DB2 Application Programming presents more sophisticated SQL techniques, goes deeper into understanding the implications of design choices (index types, query styles, packages and plans, normalization), loading tables, stored procedures, distributed data access, and dynamic SQL statements. This complex, 10 day course can be tailored to contain the mix of topics needed. This course contains segments from some of our other DB2 courses, so talk to us about customizing a DB2 curriculum that meets your exact needs.

DB2 Tuning and Performance provides the programmer or data base administator with the knowledge and skills to understand performance implications of SQL. In addition, it shows how to adjust either an SQL statement, or the containing environment to improve performance. Techniques for utility, security, and design performance improvement are also presented.

DB2 Operations is designed to help operational personnel work with DB2 commands, utilities, and resources. In addition to including an overview of DB2 concepts, the course provides hands on exercises for DB2 operators.

SQL Query Building in DB2 introduces the non-programmer to SQL, in the context of on-line access to DB2 tables using QMF. The basic concepts of relational data bases are discussed, along with the techniques for utilizing QMF to retrieve and present information.

QMF for Programmers presents the fundamentals of SQL access to DB2 tables from within the QMF environment. The course is intended for programmers, and includes both data access and data modification SQL statements. In addition, the facilities of QMF for report formatting, and for procedural programming are discussed.

QMF for SQL Developers is for experienced SQL coders who need to know how to use QMF facilities to format SQL requests.

SQL Coding Workshop presents the fundamentals of SQL access to DB2 tables from within the SPUFI environment. The course is intended for programmers, and includes both data access and data modification SQL statements. A discussion of data definition, and the DB2 catalog is also included.

Advanced SQL Query Building consists of the more sophisticated SQL techniques contained in the Advanced DB2 Application Programming course, and includes the SQL tuning discussion from the DB2 Tuning and Performance class, as well.

DB2 Database Administration is intended to provide data base administrators (DBAs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to define, manage, and tune DB2 data bases. The course introduces the techniques of Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Normalization. This is followed by the DB2 SQL statements for DB2 object definition (CREATE, DROP, and ALTER), and the utilities used by DBAs to load, reorganize, recover, and manage DB2 tables.

DB2/CICS Interface presents the details of establishing and maintaining connections between CICS (a common teleprocessing monitor) and DB2. The course includes a discussion of the interaction between data base access and pseudo-conversation programming techniques. This course has recently been updated to reflect changes in the products.

DB2 and XML describe how XML data are stored, accessed, and updated in DB2 tables. Includes related utilities and built-in functions.

DB2 Version 8 Differences describes the impacts of this major change to DB2, including the use of Unicode in the catalog tables, support for XML, and extensions to stored procedures.

DB2 Version 9 Differences describes the impacts of this major change to DB2, including the support for zIIPs, new kinds of triggers, clone tables, universal table spaces, new data types, and enhancements to utilities and commands.

DB2 Version 10 Differences describes the impacts of this major change to DB2, including the support for zIIPs, new kinds of triggers, clone tables, universal table spaces, new data types, and enhancements to utilities and commands.

DB2: Greatest Hits this course extracts the most useful features and facilities from both DB2 Version 8 and Version 9. Designed for applications programmers, this course provides an intensive, hands-on opportunity to explore new DB2 features such as recursive SQL, native SQL stored procedures, XML in DB2 and lots more.

DB2 Version 7 to Version 9 Transition this course extracts the most useful features and facilities from both DB2 Version 8 and Version 9. This course provides an intensive, hands-on opportunity to explore new DB2 features such as recursive SQL, native SQL stored procedures, XML in DB2 and lots more; this is an extended version of DB2: Greatest Hits (more in depth, more hands on labs).

DB2 Dynamic SQL shows how to build and execute SQL statements on the fly, for the ultimate flexibility in working with DB2 tables.

DB2 Stored Procedures explores how to code and use SQL-based code that can be requested from the host and run on the client.

DB2 Native SQL Stored Procedures covers how to code and use stored procedures using native SQL stored procedures language and facilities. This course can be taken on its own if the need is simply to create stored procedures using native SQL procedures language; programmers who already know how to create and invoke stored procedures but who need to learn the native SQL approach can also benefit from this course.


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