Writing z/OS CGIs in COBOL - Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the
appropriate reference materials, should be able to:
- Code, compile, bind, debug, deploy, and maintain CGIs written in COBOL for
the z/OS environment
- Handle GET and POST requests: analyze and take action, as appropriate, such as
* Parse and decode a QUERY_STRING value for GET
* Gather in the stdin data for POST, then
- Save a file as is or translated to EBCDIC on the mainframe, for POST
- Produce responses that are dynamically created HTML pages or redirection to existing pages
- Access environment variables
- Access DB2 data (optional: depends if DB2 installed and lab set up done)
- Access VSAM KSDS data by primary key or alternate index
- Put out XHTML encoded in UTF-16, to provide a truly international aspect to your website
- Submit jobs to the batch from a CGI (optional; may not be appropriate in all environments).
Note: Although the content here applies generally to HTML and XHTML, our focus is on
using HTML 5
Note: This course supports the HTTP server provided free with z/OS and the ported Apache server
UC04 / 2 Days
These Materials © Copyright 2012 by Steven H. Comstock
Materials version: V2.x
Course description
Topical Outline
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This page last updated: 31 July, 2014
Copyright © 2014 by Hunter's Training Associates, LLC