TSO REXX Programming in z/OS - Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the
appropriate reference materials, should be able to:
- Describe the TSO environment, and describe the distinctions between TSO
commands and REXX instructions
- Write REXX EXECs to accomplish useful functions
- Use TSO commands to work with datasets, either in native mode or in EXECs
- Use REXX instructions to work with records in files
- Use subroutines as a coding technique for EXECs
- Use TSO and EXECs to run programs in the Foreground or the Background (batch)
- Run EXEC's in the batch, in TSO/E-integrated address spaces or non-TSO/E-integrated address spaces
- Use TSO commands to send and receive datasets between users
- Use the REXX compiler, if it is available
- Use the level 2 REXX constructs, if they are available.
A750 / 5 Days
These Materials © Copyright 2012 by Steven H. Comstock
Materials version: V2.x
Course description
Topical Outline
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This page last updated: 30 July, 2014
Copyright © 2014 by Hunter's Training Associates, LLC