ISPF and JCL on z/OS - Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the
appropriate reference materials, should be able to:
- Use full-screen terminals, including the appropriate Function keys, to
accomplish work under ISPF/PDF, as described below
- Use the CUA interface (action bars, pull-downs, point-and-shoot fields,
etc.), and tailor the look and feel of ISPF to meet individual preferences
- Describe the characteristics of, and differences between, sequential data
sets, partitioned data sets (PDSs), and PDSEs (Partitioned Data Set Extended)
- View a sequential data set or a member of a PDS/PDSE
- Allocate, rename, and delete data sets or members, and print or display
the attributes or contents of a data set
- Copy and move data sets and members
- Use productivity features such as command stacking and split screen processing,
the CMDE command and command retrieval techniques
- Edit data sets or members: create new members or files, and modify existing
members or files
- Understand the basic flow of work in z/OS, including JES Readers, Writers,
Initiators, the role of the Interpreter, and the purpose of Allocation
- Code JCL statements as necessary to accomplish work in the z/OS environment,
- Copy files for backup, restore, and testing purposes using the IBM utility
program IEBGENER, and use some of the basic services of IDCAMS, the VSAM utility
- Use a Sort/Merge program product to sort a sequential data set
- Submit batch jobs and use ISPF/PDF 3.8 and / or SDSF, Flasher, IOF, or E(JES)
facilities for tracking jobs and examining job output
- Code cataloged procedures, including the use of symbolic parameters and defaults,
nested procedures, and private proclibs
- Describe the implications of Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) and Partitioned
Data Sets, Extended (PDSE's).
A700 / 5 Days
These Materials © Copyright 2012 by Steven H. Comstock
Materials version: V5.x
Course description
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This page last updated: 30 July, 2014
Copyright © 2014 by Hunter's Training Associates, LLC