Advanced DB2 Application Programming - Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the
appropriate reference materials, should be able to:
- Use the EXPLAIN facility in DB2 to understand the physical
access strategies used in fulfilling DB2 queries
- Construct complex queries in SQL, using relational joins and
subqueries to accomplish efficient data retrieval from multiple tables
- Understand and use packages as part of application development
- Use the DB2 LOAD and UNLOAD utilities to populate and maintain tables
- Work efficiently with Large Objects (LOBs) in application programs
- Define, write, and invoke DB2 stored procedures
- Know when and how to use dynamic SQL in application programs
- Define, write, and invoke DB2 user-defined functions
- Use the Call Attachment and Recoverable Resource Attachment
facilities as alternative mechanisms for DB2 application programs
- Understand and use the ODBC (call level) interface to DB2
- Write REXX programs that perform DB2 data access
- Define and use native SQL stored procedures
- Understand and use the XML data type in DB2
- Understand how locking affects application development and
performance in DB2.
G562 / 10 Days
These Materials © Copyright 2013 by Hunter Cobb
Materials version: V6.x
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