
CICS Application Programming - Course Objectives

On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the appropriate reference materials, should be able to:

  1. Design and create CICS application programs using COBOL
  2. Understand the overall flow of control in a CICS region
  3. Develop CICS application programs that incorporate pseudo-conversational programming techniques to minimize resource consumption
  4. Understand the purpose of the CICS translator, and utilize the translator to create programs that use the Command level interface
  5. Understand the steps necessary to prepare a CICS application program for execution
  6. Create 3270-type terminal screen definitions using Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
  7. Use the CEMT, CEBR, CEDF, CMAC, and CECI supplied transactions
  8. Access VSAM files in CICS application programs, using both Direct and Sequential processing
  9. Understand and use the Temporary Storage Queues
  10. Use Commareas and Channels / Containers to facilitate inter-program communication
  11. Understand the definition and use of Transient Data Queues
  12. Use various COBOL and Language Environment support facilities to facilitate debugging


These Materials © Copyright 2017 by Hunter Cobb

Materials version: V2.01


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