
DB2 Data Base Administration - Course Objectives

On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the appropriate reference materials, should be able to:

  1. Design and normalize a data base in the relational model.
  2. Describe the physical and logical objects that are parts of the DB2 relational Data Base system.
  3. Use SQL statements in DB2 to create and modify Data Bases, Table Spaces, Indexes, Storage Groups, Tables, Views, Synonyms, and Aliases.
  4. Allocate VSAM files to support simple, segmented, and partitioned Table Spaces, and Indexes.
  5. Use DB2 facilities to establish referential integrity rules for related tables.
  6. Use DB2 utilities to load tables, reorganize table spaces, backup table spaces, and recover table spaces.
  7. GRANT and REVOKE privileges to DB2 users to implement data base security requirements.


These Materials © Copyright 2013 by Hunter Cobb

Materials version: V8.x


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