Enterprise COBOL Update - Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the
appropriate reference materials, should be able to:
- Code programs using the COBOL/370, COBOL for MVS & VM, COBOL for
OS/390 & VM, and Enterprise COBOL compilers, as available and appropriate to the work at
hand, including features such as:
- Intrinsic functions
- External data and file attributes
- Passing data to subroutines by reference, by content, and by value
- Receiving returned values from subroutines or functions
- Accessing files in the Hierarchical File System (HFS) using line sequential processing
- Dynamically allocate files at run time
- Run programs compiled using any of the above named compilers,
providing the correct run-time parameters and JCL
- Describe the role of Language Environment, and the major functional capabilities
supported by LE
- Be able to use the new Millennium Language Extensions (MLE), if available.
D704 / 2 Days
These Materials © Copyright 2012 by Steven H. Comstock
Materials version: V7.x
Course description
Topical Outline
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This page last updated: 31 July, 2014
Copyright © 2014 by Hunter's Training Associates, LLC